Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why Do I Wait So Long to Write????

Well, here I am, approaching two months after my last blog post, and I can’t remember many details over the last several weeks. I can barely remember what I eat for breakfast on a day when I am not tired and have nothing to do, so this should be no surprise to me. But, for some reason, I always return to this place, waiting for something to come to my mind to write about. I will now pursue, as always, to inform you of what has occurred in my life, what God has been teaching me, and anything else that comes to mind.

Since my last post, I have successfully completed my first semester of college (yay!!!), almost completed my first Christmas break of college, gone to Passion Conference-and I am so blessed because of it-and done a whole lot of nothing. Christmas break has been more of relaxation than those in high school. In high school it was always consumed by writing Internal Assessments-something for IB for those that don’t know-and my Extended Essay. I always read books, which I have done this break, but this time for pleasure, and focused on the next semester of school. This time around, I am almost reluctant to see the break go. I absolutely love Carson-Newman, but I love my home too. Unfortunately, it has taken my nineteen years to figure that out. I knew Decatur was special, but I never knew how special until I left. Don’t get me wrong, Decatur can be the #2 most boring place on earth, right behind Jefferson City, but it is the people that make the place, not the other way around. My friends, even though most will go away to college, are still found here. But I know that it is not the time for me to be in Decatur. As mentioned several times at Passion, we have seasons in our lives:

“There is an occasion

for everything,

and a time for every activity

under heaven;”-Ecclesiastes 3:1

I will be at Carson-Newman on Wednesday because that is where God wants and needs me to be.

Trying not to repeat myself completely from the last post, I would like to reiterate how BLESSED I am. Really, I am. For some reason, God has been pounding that into my head over the last few months. Even though life has its trials and hardships, I am still blessed.

I’m trying not to ramble, but I have one more thing to share. This is also a slight confession on my part, but more of a revelation. God has given me a strange ability to explain things in a way that makes sense to people (I know I confuse people a lot, but when God illustrates something for me, I, fortunately, share it with clarity). Recently, especially after being at college, this “ability” has taken a hiatus. Until very recently has this remained. On the way back from Passion, I was told many things. One of which is that the body of Christ is a quilt. Just as one would not dismember a patch from a quilt, we don’t need to dismember the body of Christ. This can come in many forms. Whether critiquing worship services, college ministries, or people, when you tear apart a quilt, it no longer serves its purpose- to give warmth. Just as a quilt cannot work separately, the body of Christ cannot function dismembered. Fans of a sports team- I am taking no allegiances at this time- do not cheer against one member of the team during a big game, but rather build them up. How much more important is the goal of Christ than a sports event? Much, much more, I say.

So, I have one last thing to add. I’m asking you to pray for me. I’m asking for you to pray Ephesians 6:19-20. I have no specifics at the moment, and am not at liberty to say, but I figure that this passage will cover everything and more.

“Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. For this I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should.”-Ephesians 6:19-20

In Christ,


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