Tuesday, August 16, 2011

God Does What Google Can't: Intro

My lips will glorify You

because Your faithful love is better than life.

So I will praise You as long as I live;

at Your name, I will lift up my hands.

You satisfy me as with rich food;

my mouth will praise You with joyful lips.

-Psalm 63:3-5

I’m a fan of Google. I’d even say that I’m a Google Guru. Maybe not extreme Google Guru, but I do know most things, and use, that Google is capable of. I’d say, if you live in the 21st century, own a computer, and are under the age of, let’s say, 35, you are a Google Guru. Google can do most everything.

However, there is one thing that Google can’t do. It can’t ever be God. Ever. Sometimes, we put things above God and trust Google for things we should trust God for (and other things too, Google will just be the subject of this).

I intend for this to be a series of blog posts (and who knows, maybe it will be a book someday) in which I will explore the vast greatness of God.

You must know before I partake in this adventure what the origin of the title of this blog series is called. I was in Lifeway, doing some shopping for some light reading (remember, light for me means under 10 books), when I remembered I wanted a book. I could not find the book (Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears; this is a must-read) and could not remember the authors. What did I do, you may ask? Well, I texted Google. For some strange reason Google did not turn up any results. I was quite frustrated because I really wanted the book, but I figured that God did not want me to have the book.

With my other books in hand, I began to trudge off to the counter. As God would have it, I looked at the shelves of Lifeway one last time, when a book popped out at me. You guessed it! It was Vintage Jesus. God let me focus in on one book. I have started this book and it is progressing slowly, but He has taught me SOOO much by me reading it.

Continuing with the story, I checked out and began to make the lengthy trek home on the Beltline. When I was about halfway home, I had an epiphany. God does what Google can’t. Google must have had a flub in its system because I just texted the same thing and it worked. God works in mysterious ways. So, now I’m here, with the idea that God gave me to write about His glory in comparison to the incompetency of the world.

Maybe this will turn into one of my books. Maybe that’s not what God has planned. I have, however, felt the need to brag on my God lately, so He is giving me an outlet to do that. I hope to use other people’s stories and continue to brag on Him till the day I die, even if it is not in this blog. I have seven topic as of right now:

1. Give you wisdom

2. Google + can help you connect with friends, but God gives you friends

3. A future

4. Google can give you updates on bad news but God gives you hope

5. Jesus died for your sins, Google can’t forgive your sins

6. Google gives you facts about history, God creates history

7. God gives you freedom

There may or may not be more posts than this, but I felt like this would be a good start. These are also not in a certain order. This may turn into something other than what I have intended, but if it is what God has intended, that’s cool too. There may be unrelated posts in between. I make no promises when it comes to this series.

This is my last post before I leave for college (well, I’m 99.9% sure it is), so when I get back to you, I hope to have many awesome things to share about God and what He is doing. I may be in touch with some people about sharing stories about God’s glory in their lives, so be on the lookout!!

Peace to all of you who are in Christ.-1 Peter 5:14b


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