Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Those Really Annoying Birds in the Morning: To the Glory of the Father

Give the LORD-

You heavenly beings-

Give the LORD the glory due His name;

Worship the LORD

In the splendor of His holiness.

In His temple all cry, “Glory!”

The LORD sat enthroned at the flood;

The LORD sits enthroned,

King forever.

The LORD gives

His people strength;

The LORD blesses His people with peace.

-Psalm 29:1-2;9b-11

I am working on the next part of my God does what Google can’t series, but be patient with me please. So, in the meantime, I am posting this.

The title of this post may have some people confused. I always wake up and hear the birds chirping. If you know me, you should know that I am possibly the most anti-morning person on the face of the earth. I can be pleasant, but it is because I have either one, gotten enough sleep, or two, I don’t have an exhausting schedule in front of me.

As you may have guessed, I am the person who wants to shoot the birds in the morning, not join in with them. Unless I have had the proper amount of sleep, birds that assemble around where I am should hide in their nests.

There is one thing, though, that the birds have right. They sing to glorify their creator. Even though it is, in my opinion, way too early to be perky, we should take a lesson from those really annoying birds. Shouldn’t we wake up and glorify God? Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we should be Miss Morning Sally or Mr. Morning Sam, but we do need to remember, that even in our exhaustion, Christ should still be the focus of our lives.

I know I am being the BIGGEST hypocrite on the face of the earth right now. I tend to throw things and be cranky and irritable in the mornings, but I’m working on it.

So, in conclusion, try to be like the really annoying birds in the morning. Not waking people up, but glorifying God constantly.

May the peace of the Father be with you


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